Michael Moore: The Healthcare Industry Has Caused More Pain, Harm Than P...

Bravo, the bottom of the line should be this, we have to provide top quality healthcare, look friends, there is only one standard of healthcare in my view, that is no matter is wrong with you, you get in sick you get out as good as science allows it, thats it, thats the standard, and step two is, it has to be at least half the price you are paying right now, half of the premium price, and nothing more or above it after that, its a no brainer people, you should want this you should go for it in fact you should jump at this offer on the spot, the idea is, we have to immininate profit making that insurance companies are involved in, they are making billions in profits, its your money dummy, we are trying to save you all these troubles, some people are acting like wild cats, you are trying to feed them with all kinds of goodies still they go after your fingers and the hand that is feeding it, no offends to the cats out there, love you cats, no hate mail thank you very much, seriously its no brainer, you will even have a better hospital experience than the best ones are getting right now, if thats what you are looking for, if you need twenty minutes more with your shrink to spill your guts out, you got it, whatever you want, just make me King lol please !! 🤣
