On Unity of the Ummah, by Sheikh Imran Hosein , 10 Nov 2019

Listen people, I know telling the whole truth and nothing but it is not an easy task because the world is so corrupted from all angles from all sides that no matter what you do, if you now have decided to tell the whole truth you will come to upset just about everyone, some of you do not Believe in the Devil and his little devils and but you do I hope agree that, there are no non corrupt leaders groups or religious denominations out there, some of you would even say sure not everyone is perfect its about taking a side, we know our leader is corrupt but in my view one shouldnt make excuses for them, because if you do that you are telling everyone that they can continue with what they are doing and by that YOU are allowing people to suffer because this is what corruption does, it takes from the many and hands it over to the tiny few, and most of you who make up excuses even you wont get much you only get some scraps and you are happy with it, like Imran Hosein here, listen to what he said here, he is upset and angry why (we) "devils" are not backing China Iran Russia and the block they are subscribing to over the west, this fake Muslim is angry why we are opposing the Chinese Communist Entity who has placed millions of Muslims in concentration camps and who are forcing to denounce their faith in God, do you see the hypocrisy here my friends ?? and he is backing the mollas who are corrupt as the Devil himself, look I have told you what I know about the mollas, I know who installed them and why, I know their inner secrets, you might not know because you have not seen what I have seen, I know the mollas are luciferians and thats a fact, like I know high ranking MEK cult members travel to Iran freely and report to the mollas about things, and you thought the MEK are the enemies of the molla regime, think again, its all a sham my friends, and its made like that for a reason, a reason you might have a hard time believing, here is the thing there is the truth, Evil has divided the world in different groups, and Evil controls them all, yes your dear leader as well, what Imran Hosein who is a disinfo agent his task is to create the division that is needed, Evils grand plan is to create two main blocks, East VS the West, and Imrans task is to strengthen the eastern block, yes even the Chinese Communist Entity, who are as anti God as it comes, do you think God has blessed or will bless the Communist Entity in any way shape or form, and do you think God will bless any of the Believers who join with them, look this is part of the tribulation, we are being tested, our faith is being tested here, a true Believer would stand his or her ground even if it means our death, we must never eat from the forbidden fruit that is offered to us, I personally believe our best chances to reform the whole world starts in the west, you know why, because you know why, we have at least some rule of law here, they are trying to liberalize things here and make us as un godly as they can yet we will have a couple of rights, and the reason is because we demand our God given rights, even though they are trying to take many of our freedoms away from us, like in Denmark I have told you, if a church doesnt marry a gay couple they secular government will shut the doors of that church or house of worship with no regards to old traditions, I wouldnt care if you go and open your own house of worship call it what you like but do not put the name of a centuries old names on your house of worship that belongs to others like any other copyright laws go ahead and marry gay couple all you want but dont come here and force us to do something we dont something we never did in the name of liberation, and like in france, they are banning halal kosher meats they are banning religious symbols people wear, look what I am saying what the Chinese Communist Party does they are doing it right here as well, and the reason they cannot go all the way is because we are not passive and spineless even though we are behind all that and more, it is creeping in on us little by little, and if you have eyes to see you would recognize the same Evil Initiative at work all over the place, and as I have said, its main task is to create two blocks for later them to go head to head with one and other, this is the plan, and Imran is doing his best for the eastern block and he is backing the Communist Entity, so you see, religion God all that has nothing to do with anything they say, its about taking side, I say we must speak the truth wherever whenever we see something wrong being done, this is what has kept us here in the west a little bit freer than those on the eastern block, I mean the concept of democracy was not invented anywhere in the eastern blocks, they enjoy it at some places in the far east only recently, until not long ago all those nations were run by war lords and crazy people, we were behind creating the renaissance and the concepts of human liberty and freedoms, faith in one God although the Creator has sent prophets to all peoples but the messengers also came from this part of the world, it came from us, not that we are more valuable or better in any way but because God knows we will fight for these principles to the end if needed no matter the cost, look somebody has to do the job right ?? it has to be initiated from somewhere right ?? and now thanks to the interconnectivity of the world, we can do it simultaneously from all over the world, what is true for us is true for all, it is just how it is, we dont have to start with the big truths, we have to start somewhere, from the things we know at least, like what is good for me is good for you too, isnt that so, and the little truths are obvious, Imran is backing the godless Communist Entity and he ask us why, he must have lost his mind, but its more than that, and he dare say we are under the influence of the Devil when he himself is a little devil, I personally know one thing, only the truth can and eventually will set us free, I am convinced of it, this is the Age of Deception, we are living it now we are in the mist of it and the Age of Awakening is lurking around the corner, and the sooner we past the test and fully awaken then the Age of Plenty will arrive, then its party time, baby :):)
