President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the Presid...

I want Turkey to stay in the block and with us, I dont like people here to push Turkey away from Nato and the west like they have dont for the past 25 years, we have unbelievavble in competent politicians here in EU who has offended Turkey for a very long time, their concerns were immigration from a Muslim nation like Turkey into EU, yeah I saw how these policies has resulted in, it has resulted in migration not from Turkey as it was their concern but from all other other Middle Eastern country instead, in the millions !! right now we have (both) pushed Turkey away and plus got million upon millions of immigrants, these incompetent politicians lost in two ways now while they thought they would win on all fronts, but who is gonna clean up their mess now ??

In any rate, it is not too late to reverse all these bad policies, I am thinking, perhaps Turkey can sell its S400 to some other country who wants to buy it and we could offer them the things we have and make good on an old promise as a Nato ally, I dont like when people say they rather have the communist Kurdish cults as allies instead of Turkey, they are out of their damn minds, they are idiots, plain and simple pure idiots, Turkey is abn important country and must be respected as such, I want Turkey to know they have a friend here ;) so whatever you do, dont turn away and stab Nato in the back and me in the back, thats not what friends do, because when all things have been said and done, when presidents comes and go, some of us will still be around , and we have good memory and we dont like to be betrayed, I want old alliensenses to be maintained and thats the way its gonna be, I hope the US and Turkey can work closer on their trade deals and get along just fine, and EU better get its act together and stop messing up any further, I rather dont wanna come and clean up your mess, I wanna be out there sailing and doing fun shit instead :)
