Prince Andrew steps back from royal duties

I have been following this development with this child exploitation of young girls and boys by the British Royal family and I have been taken my time to see all points of view band I can no longer stay silent on the subject of devious sexual behaviour by the members of the British Royal family, I cannot accept the notion that that queen Elizabeth was unaware of this all after all we know the infimous pdeophiole Jimmy Savil was the best buddy of Prince Charles and the rest of the British Royal family, it looks like this is a tradition with pedophilia going on over there for longest time, and it is not all this is coming out in the light, I say it again, I find it hard to believe Elisabeth was unaware of all this, she could have put an end to it long time ago and saved many of these vulnerable young kids, but she didnt and she still go to lengths to protect her wicked son, which is a disgrace, I urge FBI to look close into this mess and find out everything they can, this is very important to learn and expose any wrongdoing by criminal elements, the FBI must ALWAYS nbe a force for good, I certainly hope so, I am counting on you, just so you know.
