Protests erupt in Iran — here's why they're different

I will NOT support these reports where some of these reporters describe what is going on in Iran and Iran by calling it "Islamic republic" when they refer to Iran, they just want to smear Islam while they go on to criticize the backward policies of the mollas, i will NOT stand by when they refer to Iran as Islamic republic, the name of the country is IRAN and their regime is NOT Islamic !!just call the country for its official name that is Iran and stop referring as Islamic republic, I know what these anti Islamic people are up to, if I am going to stand by and support this thing going on in Iran, I wont do it if your anti Islamic reporters go on and smean the faith that is Islam which has zero to do with the molla regime, when you refer to that country you will call it by its official name that is Iran, Islamic republic is a "  description" of it that is irrelevant, the name of the country is Iran, Pakistan is also an Islamic Republic so is Iraq and many other countries, but you dont refer to them as Islamic Republic but when it comes to Iran, you do it only to smear the faith of 2 billion people, dont make 2 billion people your enemies, it is easily done, and you wont come to like it, dont make the same mistake as Russia when I nicely asked of them not to refer to ISIL as Islamic State, they were never a state nor where they Islamic adn DAESH is not even translated as Islamic State, I know many of you here would like to out of your stupidity smear Islam, remember there are 2 billion of us, and in time you dont want all of them against you when you will come to need them, people of faith, we have good memories, we wont forget those who insulted us by trying to smear us, one day we will turn our back on however those were who just couldnt let of of their arrogance, I know I wont forget it, but you go on and do as your please.
