Ray Romano on Getting Older, His Kids & The Irishman

Happy birthday jimmy, you are the boss :):) and I love Ray, he seems to be such a nice person and I also heard he is a fan ;) speaking of dreams, my dreams are strange because it informs me of things, I knew that from my childhood but there were times I doubted it, like everything else in life even though you are very close to some being convinced of something there are still moments you doubt things, NOT God, on this subject I never doubt it, honest to Himself, but this thing with dreams, ten years ago something there were a scientific question I struggled with to figure it out, I wanted the answer to it so there were days and nights I thought about it but the answer never came, so one night in my dream it came to me and i am a kind of person who remember what I dreamt about I remember my dreams if they are important, so this scientific answer came to me in my dream and the next day I looked it up and what do you know, it was the correct answer, from that day I got more convinced, something is going on here, I was thrilled and excited and it made a huge impact on how things really works, I am also of the learning that when we sleep our souls goes to another dimension, it doesnt stay in our physical bodies, yeah I am a strange dude I know, no I am not , you are if you think I am crazy, your momma is crazy, and your daddy too, in fact screw you, why are you bothering me, bye :)

Again happy birthday Jimmy, you are the man, not the Son of Man, thats someone else, someone else holds that title, he hold many titels ;) 

I am so stressed out man :( can we get some revolution going somewhere, anywhere please ???:):)
