The China Deal for Joe Biden’s Son | America Uncovered

This is a problem across the board, corruption doesnt discriminate between parties, and as long as party followers cover of their own and blame others for the same corruption their own are involved with, we are all screwed, fighting corruption and the struggle to save the country the first step is honesty !you have to be honest with yourself the second step has also to do with honestly but this time to your fellow countrymen, let me give you all a very stark warning, if you all do not get your acts together, America is gone guys, I mean it, its already on the way of becoming a failed state, a country that only is a leader in the minds of the old times who are trying to believe America is Nr1 and always will be while they are selling out to the Chinese Communist Entity, and to anyone willing to pay them and their relatives off, look guys even China is providing its 1,5 billion citizens universal health care and child relief for working parents and they are building a new modern city every 10 years with super modern high speed trains and the rest of it, and what do we do, we finance it for them while we have homeless people, sick people, we have no social programs these totalitarian counters are providing theirs, are we lesser than them ?? why are we allowing our politicians impoverish us and make us believe there is no way to pay for these things, while all other countries are doing it and doing it well, I wont go along with this, we have to make some fundamental changes, America is NOT the greatest country, its only something that has been put in your minds, but we are going to make it Nr1 again, bet your butts we are going to do it, and on paper, not something just in the minds of some, but physical, you are going to be able to feel it touch it and every time you your eyes see that flag you are gonna want make love to it as well, you are going to see a whole lot of American flags with dick holes in it all over the place, its gonna be that good, baby 🥰
