The Real 'X-Files'?

7:40 pardon me but he is so full of it, this man knows things, and what is he going to say next, that there are no clones either, scratch my back would you, psss lol it is precisely because of these people when someone credible like myself come and tell you about things some of you might not believe me, alright you wanna hear some hard core tactical facts guys ?? here it comes, the world is about to end, and you know why, I am gonna tell you buddies so sharpen your focus, the world is going to end, God the Creator is going to end it because of the rogue scientists who are under the influence of a sucker who have made these fools of scientists think they can uncover a couple of secrets by messing with the human genome and other genetic materials, this is one reason, and when you have for yourselves found out this is the truth what I am telling you, then you can go and thank these scientists who pushed the limits to the point of no return, here is something you need to realize friends, it is because of these out of this world entities and what they gave humans and later pushed them to destroy the planet and you can see their dirty works everywhere, technology is a double edged sword and after all these shortcuts to make profits by the greed of unwise monkeys while they have not realized what they have caused by shortening our visit or stay on this planet, while they thought they were so clever with their corruption when they just made profits over profits they never say they were digging their graves deeper and deeper along side with the rest of us who followed them down deep in wherever they were going by picking up their scraps, there are no official truth tellers, unofficials yes but what good are they doing, I think alot, I think we all have our roles to play, the truth is everywhere friends, it is closer than you want to perhaps know about, I dont know, it depends what kind of human being you are I guess.
