TikTok reverses ban on video showing teen criticizing China's mass deten...

I have been for some time now, all you socially aware young people need to make a former presence and get off Tik Tok, close your accounts because this is how the totalitarian NWO led by the Chinese Communist Entity creeps on everyone, they are buying off paying off our own platforms and if you even criticize them and shed some light on their crimes they will very quickly making YOU know what you can say or now even here in the west, we cannot allow this to continue, get off Tik Tok by starting posting similar messages till they close your accounts themselves, this is a good strategy, post inflammatory videos till they close you down, make videos about Presitator Puh, he is nice to make fun of, people power guys, people power !! make your presence know with smart content, get to work guys, good luck 😊
