Turkish president plays anti-Kurds video in Oval Office meeting

We need Turkey a 70 year old Nato ally with us, I need Turkey, and with regards to the S400, I have suggested Turkey can put it up for sales, I am sure someone Perhaps wants to buy it, Turkey could put it on Amazon or Ebay, do I own share in either of them?? hmm, people have told me I own a whole lot, in any case, Turkey should chose the site I won, and I want my 7% :) or wait a minute, Turkey should pick Amazon because I and my buddy Jeff Bezos we are going to leave Earth when poop hits the fan here, and I also want to help him out after he was kind enough and didt that thing for me I asked him of with raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks for the Amazon employees, he was nice like that so its time to repay him, because I am also a nice guy, like that :) and who said rich people are always assholes, I dont get it, I am long side my friends from the Money Community are doing a lot of good here, and we havent even got started yet, you just wait, brother have plans here, look there are many things I want to do here for people before the world ends alright, so I dont just have bad news, I also come with gland tidings :):) 
