What do we know about the Iran protests? | DW News

The problem with the Iran situation is that the mollas have at least a couple of hundred armed supporters cult members really, armed at all time ready to do anything, absolutely brainwashed fanatics, thats what the whole molla system is all about, they created this IRGC like ISIL police and watchmen and these lunatics are armed, Iranians do not dare rise up against them like go for a kill and reform the whole system, the mollas and their watch dogs the IRGC are too strong and they feel comfortable for now but they know, they way they have run Iran for the past 40 years people are getting angry so the molla supporters right now also isolated because 90% of the population would have rather them gone, and this 10% run the whole show, if there was anything like a true democracy in Iran, the mollas had been voted out year one or two, and this mess has been going on for 40 years now, people are getting tired and want better, poor things are so desperate some of them even chant the name of the old Shah lol the "King of Kings" you know ;), one thing is for sure, the Iranians are in a bad shape right now, spiritually materially and mentally, poor things, I hear the damn mollas ave cut of Internet, ok now they are asking for trouble, one thing you dont do is to take of off line, let the war begin !! everything IRGC is motherfucker and has to be get rid of.
