Will NATO's concept be revised? I Inside Story

This is becoming very dangerous, it is clear who the adversaries are, I wouldnt call them enemies, but there are challenges, we know Russia is trying to get people from here in the west to share and spread their sentiments and arguments this is very clear, and they have succeeded in some respects, the latest one is Macron, one of the arguments that I think many too many have been fooled by is this argument, Russia is saying, for variety of reasons we are now going to take over this country or that place, then they turn back and ask the west, are you really going to risk open war over this little place e regardless we are going to take over it, but are you ready to risk WW3 over this, then people here say, no we wont risk open war and WW3 over this, then Russia and China goes in and take this place over then they repeat the same argument all over again over another place and issue, this is the dilemma here, what is clear is that both China and Russia as we speak have explanation plans, their primary goal is to weaken the west and Nato and when this obstacle is over what would then stop them to go fully NWO and Skynet over the whole planet, and we here sit and ask ourselves, who is the enemy, are there even enemies at all, casting doubts over a very real issue, as soon as they have planet these questions in our debates, they have already succeeded a quarter of the way, they themselves in their own countries wont tolerate any kind of decent whatsoever, but on their English speaking channels that reaches all our homes, they are very cheaply winning people over, like Macron a president of a major Nato country, wth is going on here, I say we MUST keep Nato Strong and make it much much more stronger than it already is, because we are going to need it if we are going to stay free, do you want to live in Russia or China or these other allies of theirs ?? I dont see any westerners migrate to Russia or China to live, they Russians and Chinese and the rest of them wants to come here, there is not doubt who have a better system, China is fully totalitarian to start with, Russia is authoritarian at least, they have like China their dear leader and Iran and the rest of them have their Dicktraitors as leaders, I say we must be vigilant on what is being planted here, do NOT give these people who speak ill of the west constantly and never in negative terms about the eastern blocks any room to spread their propaganda, I am thou confident we wont lose the ideological war, or any war to speak of, all people of faith will stand with us and thats a couple of billions, 7 billion at least with a BIG B that is and hopefully more, dont allow yourselves to get brainwashed with these peoples false narratives, who always tries to cast doubts over everything here, and our French friends better stay extra vigilant here, the eastern blocks dont want to see your country healthy, certainly not healthier than they, we on the other hand say, we want you as healthy as we all are, we look after each other here and we wont leave anyone behind, like in WW2, dont turn your backs on us now, president like Macron comes and go, our shared values and history remains, and nothing must ever change that if we need improvements on some fronts, we will do it on our own hands, we dont need others to tell us anything, if they knew better, their own people wouldnt escape their own authoritarian regimes and come here, so thats it.
