WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionag...

Dont worry guys, I will help you shed some more pure light on it, and people should not be afraid of anything, I always said it, if I am gonna die let it be for a good cause and with honor and whatever happens after that is up to God, God likes people even atheists who risk their lives for the greater good, in their hearts these kind of Atheists are Believers, they just have not realized it yet, they are one of us and we are one of them, people can differentiate between something constructive and what is destructive, after that is up to making a choice, there is no middle ground, because if you think you can stay out of this forever you are wrong, either part, the good or the bad eventually will affect you too, and you are awake and aware of your surroundings enough you would like only the good part affecting you, and if this is the case you better give it a helping hand and ensure your win, the truth is, craziness has taken over all aspects of life, if you are still sleepwalking and being told that one side is pure evil and the opposing side is absolutely flawless and wonderful, like if you subscribe to the idea that the conservatives and the right is absolutely out of its mind and pure evil or if you think the left the liberals are the craziest people on the planet and everything bad is from them and you on the right and your conservatism have all the answers to the problems we see then you all have bought and drank the kool aid and you are nothing but robots or sheeps in the bad sense of the word while your self serving handlers and influencers are laughing at you behind your backs like the wolves they are, on both side, the fact of the matter is, the same Corruption you suffer from is the same entity and groups around the world in  all other countries suffer from, I know for a fact groups that in public sphere are mortal enemies are behind the scene cooperating with each other very closely, look friends, corrupt individuals only recognize the same filthy crooked vein in one and other, and they attract each other for the same reason, where money is to be made, thats where these people will get atracket to and opposing political ideologies is then secondary of any at all, these public differences we have is for the theatrics to keep you busy and give you the illusion that you are important and that you have say in anything, what I am telling you is, sure go out and vote, but for the right reasons, not to say, the other side is cancer and you have the cure, again if you reason like that and if you listen to those who spread these ideas out in the public then you are at best a useful idiot, its never too late to change, so go out and share your thoughts and ideas and vote as you please but do it for a right reason, and you should always speak out when you see such evil by totalitarian regimes like the Chinese Communist Entity and their Presitator Puh, the ballerina of the Communist Entity.
