Bipartisan Senators Coons and Lankford on the importance of faith in a d...

We are going to heal this divide good, I am certain of it, I just need to make a couple of phone calls to Harry Terry and Kelly and make some adjustments and the problem is taken cared of, I promise dont worry, its an easy fix, just give brother some time, my vacation is not finished yet, I will get down to work asap, right now I have some engine problems and some mainsail issues that I have to look after fist but right after that ohh I also have some snorkeling matters in the Bahamas I have to tend to but right after that, I will I promise I will get right back to work and take off where I ended, i know people are eagerly awaiting but brother need some reflecting and meditating time, you know, then there is the issue of crossing an ocean, but that minor thing, I will handle that like a piece of chocolate cake, hmm :):)
