Can Taiwan Resist China's Power and Influence? | Foreign Correspondent

Watch this whole commentary and ask yourself, would these Chinese Communist Party members in Taiwan allow you to parade freely and promote your ideology freely as they are allowed in an open and free society, I dont think so, in fact we know they wont, we even know they would open your bodies up and sell your internal organs to the highest bidder if they could like they do in China today, I have said this many times and I will say it again, I have considered myself a dead man walking as it is, inf act for some time now, the Mossad wants to kill me, the Swedish SAPO wants the same, the mollas the Chinese the Saudis and all other European intelligence services ass well also the most Evil Man on earth the one in cahoots with the Devil himself, you name it they want me gone, and I am sure they will give it another good try when I am about to cross the Atlantic, like they did in the North Sea when a medium size ship tried to ram me over, if the piece of shit had hit me less than five second later he would have rammed me over, the fact is, I no longer care what happens, everything is up to God, but your people need to promise me this, if something happens you need to raise hell upon the whole System all over the place, because these sons of devils are out of their minds, and they also have other sinister plans for the rest of you, so I have thought, no matter what we have to push for the same agenda no matter what, we cant stop here and now, and I  know I wont so we have to speak our minds and whatever God wants, we have to be in tuned with it, and we know Evil when we see it, we recognize hypocrisy when we see it and no matter what we have to point our finger at it and call it out for what it is, so help us God,  there is nothing more to it but this, its simple, we wont stand for lies and hypocrisy, and if they dont like it they can always kill our butts, so I urge all you young people all our men and women to make a stance, for what is the right thing, we find ourselves at the cross road right now,we cant budge, alright, we just cant,, stand firmly, stand strong and do not give in and do NOT be naive, we are fighting for a future here.

I need Taiwan to be given a whole bunch of anti ship missiles and anti tank missiles and shit load of MANPADs, they dont need expensive tanks and such, they need these other things, and many good and capable SAMs as well, I think that would do it.
