CrossTalk Bullhorns: So Long 2019!

All their arguments are so ridiculous its not worth my time engaging when I have a boat to admire over here, love this boat, anyways, i will keep it shot to this point only, what happening with these old Soviet disinfo agents is that they are afraid of the new generation and know they are outdated and goners, thats why they are patronizing anything that has to do with the well informed wordly youth, these Soviets best tactic is to play to our conservatives with a couple of talking points and sound bites they keep repeating in hope that a few take the bait, to those I say, we and we alone will take care of all our own problems and we will be the role models all around the world how to stay united as a family of nations while disagreeing on some minor issues, we must not make a big issue of things that can be talked over over a nice cup of coffee, things that could be solved in an afternoon, because look, gather a person from each culture around the world in one room, let them all mingle for a short while, observe them and you will see for yourself that, there is a culture there, a common culture among them, each person will try to be the best representative of their native culture and if you take a step back you will see, they are all displaying that is in and from all of them, they are showing you, if someone doesnt come and try to plant something corrupt in them they wouldnt get on each others nerves, because they all want to show their best sides, this is culture of humanity we all have it, we all want to get along, then we have those who doesnt seek that, because when the water is polluted they hope they get something, yes something anything out of it, make no mistake, there are too many I would say 20% of mankind that are unredeemable, that wouldnt mind stealing even from children, if they could and get away with it they would, so we are not talking about one or two there, we are talking about a large portion of mankind are like that, people that would corrupt. look I didnt meant to make this long, I have a cold beer here with my name on it giving me that look, like darling what takes you so long, alright bye and dont believe any bs you hear, we love the Russian people the Chinese people and the motha focking Iranian people as well, I am sorry for cursing, bet your forgiveness, thank you, just sounded funny ✌ in the neighborhood.
