CrossTalk: Multipolarity

Hello friends !

It has been sometime since I commented and exposed the massive hypocrisy of the propagandists, this is not an anti russian thing, if you thought it was then you are truly braindead, I am sorry to use this terminology and word but you must be if you think it is because it is not, I have no other alliance than for the truth and what you are hearing from soviet today and these hypocrite liers is nothing but biast pure bs falsehoods, these are agents of the the same soviet rulers who were dictating over all soviet states, , I will address as many of their false statements and arguments as I can here, so lets begin, the first issue they brought up is the multipolar world, that the west "doesnt" want to talk about, ok lets address this point first before we go on with the rest of their bs, remember friends, the world not until long ago was divided almost equally into two blocks, the capitalist and the communist, which russia was the protagonist of and want to regain that position again, so the world the whole planet was divided into two parts, equal in landmass and population, now these crypto commies you see here in this show want you to forget how Russia treated its subjects, the soviet countries and others they could get a chokehold of, these people wants you to forget how their soviet masters treated their subject while remind you how evil the west has been in the past is now and that the west is never to be trusted ever, I am not saying the west has not been wicket but while they took stuff from others they also gave something back, its not like they looted the wealth of their subjects to bone dry like the soviets that is russia did with their subjects, its just facts friends, the truth of the matter is, if Russia today if they could loot like when they were super strong they would do it all over again, their track record is there for all to see, and if you want to convince me they have changed then you are a bigger fool than these here in this show, you need to know this and you better not forget it, the soviets lost for a reason, the reason is what it always has been, that is, their system the same people who were ruling them then are basically the same today, it is the same people, they just have refreshed their appearances, its nothing more than that, sure they build more churches but what does that mean, look friends i hope by now you have come to the same conclusion i have come to that is, religions all of them every single one of them has been infiltrated by I dont want to use vil lets just call them hypocrites, its the same in the west in the middle east in the east all over the planet, do i remind you who rules this planet all over again, I hope i dont have to, organized religions all of them are in the hands of the hypocrites, the state holders, our so called holymen have nothing to do with the holy scriptures, when Russia and Ukraine got in to that regreateble conflict, all their respective churches took the side of their stakeholders and political rulers,  if this doesnt prove they all are full of it I dont know what else can convince you they are, so when you hear them come with arguments that, today Russia has allowed faith to come back and three churches to be built every day you better know, its done for a reason, and the reason has nothing to do with faith in the one God, its a tool to gather as many as their can for the same old purpose, the purpose is to divide humanity all of us further from the truth and more into the abyss, places you dont need to go to, if you knew what is good for you, the final and only true message is, we are one, all of us from the same origine, and God willing to the same destination, you need t keep your mind wherever you find yourself on this planet on a level playing field and above what you hear and see played by these lying hypocrites, and look how they are trying to make the Chinese Communist Party looking like these innocent planers everyone is up against, I have told you this before, Evil is experimenting on the least educated on some subject matters, Evil is taking us all for a ride, make no mistake about that, Evil is discriminating but he is targeting people in the east because they know, fist of all they are too be fooled first because they do not believe in God the creator and the prophecies we have been aware of for some time and other revelations and because these people in the east have been suffering under the hands of us and mainly their own super corrupt leaders, they are now more receptive to stay united against us even when they hear the truth that they would just not come to trust when they hear it, because materialism and what they see with their own eyes is the only reality they trust, like the weapons they have, they rather put their trust in that over the truth they might or not hear, and we know how restrictive their rulers are, not allowing them to hear anything but the corrupt voices of their own leaders, because their leaders know what they are telling their subjects is anything but the truth and that is is temporary, but they keep on insisting because they are afraid, thats what they are, afraid that their subject hear at least some truths, if this was a true battle of ideologies, and if their rulers would themselves believe in their own bs, then the question is, what are their afraid of, let the people hear listen and make their own choices, like we do here, in an open society, there is no question of whose system with all our flaws are better, at least we have nor sucked our people dry of their worthiness, of being human beings, worthy of dignity, here we can impeach our presidents, try to even mention anything negative about their dear leaders and see what will happen to you, so I can never have understanding for these western born individuals who go and promote this other totalitarian system while talking their craps off about where they came from, just to get some media attention, dont get me wrong, these evil luciferians who have tried all God has allowed them to to with me here their own 15 minute of fame in our own media and shows, remember friends, the Evil these poor people in the east has been subjugated to came from us, but now the grand experiment is played on them, with this cashless society that is coming upon us all, the start of it all will come from the east, the Bible told us of the mark of the Beast, on the forehead that is face recognition and the chip in your hand, because we in the west are followers of the Abrahamic faiths and have accepted it we have been forewarned therefore we will be last ones to fall of it, its about time long overdue for our fellow brothers and sisters to wake up to the fact, the fact that they are in danger, our job is to warn them, and we will, as long as it takes we will, so help us God.
