Hello friends !
I had not the opportunity to wish you all friends and foes a supreme happy merry christmas until now, had no internet access, thou I promise to catch up and interfere in your internal national affairs as I am always supposed to do, now tell me, have you missed me or what 🥰 because I have 😊, now to a more important topic, I AM SCREWED !! I managed to sail from the very kind and nice country of Portugal yes a country can be kind too, anyways, I managed to sail here to the Canary Islands without my mainsail, it was a bumpy ride, because without your mainsail you dont have stability with your boat, if you are lucky and have the winds with you, you will get around but the boat will sway roll pitch all those things and you will get there but it wont be comfortable, but who needs comfort right lol I need I need it !!! everybody needs it, now I am stocked in Las Palmas for at least four weeks to get a new sail made, this one will be brand new, no more sown together pieces of rags calling it a sail, this new baby will be brand new, and with that I think it will do the job, God willing, when people even experienced sailors and fishermen where I m heading and I say to New York baby and the next question is, are you doing it solo, and I answer yeah baby and they say you are crazy, love it when people say that, and truth be told, I never claimed to be sane either 😜
In any case, I will keep you posted and for the million time, no I will not have another vagabond over with me so stop asking, unless you are a babe under 70 kg, with a lot of money, honey for Sunny, then I will consider it, see yaaa.
Merry Christmas to all my friends, and hell with the foes, screw them all, yeah you heard me, fuck you !!! 😎
