Hundreds of Iraqi mourners try to storm US Embassy in Baghdad

If they get dangerously close to the embassy, shoot them down, and the corrupt IRGC Iraqi puppet government will get the blame, they will get the full balme, if people die, the blood will be on their hands, get the B52s ready and loaded !!!

To the Iraqi people, the mollas of Iran wants to escalate this and are behind this, all your suffering right now is by them and their many cults, the mollas are nothing about religion faith on God, if you knew what I know about them you would know they are of their father Eblis, the top mollas are, not these ignorant foolish foot soldiers of theirs, these foot soldiers believe they are doing the right thing, like many Jihadis do, but their cult leaders on the top, they are of something else, I have stated, America that is today is no longer the America of the past, this new America is your friend, if you like it to be, when you will realize it in due time then you will understand, I just hate to say I told you so after the fact, Iraq must and Inshallah will be free from all these cults terror cults that is and you the Iraqi people are going to help me achieving that, I promise to set Iraq free, free from all evil and wickedness, but as God has stated, YOU must take the first step, you must help yourselves first then He will open doors hidden for you and in order to do so, you MUST all of you get united as Iraqis, the message is simple, dont make it complicated, you must overthrow the whole System and all those monsters behind it and in it, all of them.
