In the Age of AI (full film) | FRONTLINE

Watch the end of this documentary, it is frightening how the Chinese Communist Party is making these third world countries and also too many inside the EU to bow to their authoritarian NWO rule, a world they are about to raise where if you will live under Pure Evil and in a world YOU gave them this authority with your own free will, Believers must wise up and sooner, stop worshiping your dear leaders who have allied themselves with this Evil, Irans Supreme Prostitute is one of them, I want all Iranians and all Muslims to know, Amirica is NOT your enemy, its your best friend if you choose to believe in it, a friend who will respect your human dignity, a friend who will respect dicent, a friend who will respect you to protest as you wich, a friend who will respect your beliefs, a friend who will let you be you, a friend who will respect your God given rights, and a friend who will stand by its word, ask yourselves this, are any of what I just stated granted by your current dear leaders, you know the answer to this question better yourself, you have a choice to make buddy.
