Iraq Protests: Mohammad Marandi, Political Analyst

Look Marandi and listen very carefully, it is easy to to point to mistaked committed, ISIL was NOT a direct creation of America, they are the result of their past historical mistake, just as your molla regime when your cursed Khomejni was allowed to get to Iran with his cancerous and corrupt  ideology, sure mistakes were made but from now there will be no more such mistakes, I also want to make you aware of the end of your molla masters and the choachold they have over Iranians, I promise you this, when Iranians all of them get the news of your unclean regime with that pig Khomejni sold me yes actually sold me to the pedophiles in Sodom, they will hand every single one of you, but all thats is for later, I promise you that I will be the end of you all, you have no idea what you are dealing with here, and you personally will stand trial for the lies you are spreading here, you propaganda agent of the mollas, you lying pig, you have lost the ideological war and as result you have lost everything, your Supreme Whore Nasrala Soleymani Salami and all your puppet mollas in Iraq as well all of them will face justice, God will see to it happen so stay tuned, trust me when I say, you dont want to face the full force of the US armed forces, you rather face me, you have a better chance to make it facing me and my people rather than America, so dont push it, if you do you will be leveled to the ground, I will nuke you and round out all your sympathizers all over the world and it wont be pretty, trust me when I say, it can be done, your little IRGC better know their size, they are messing with forces they have no idea what can inflict upon them, every single one of them wherever they are, I say it again, dont drag America into this, or you will be wiped out very quickly, I mean it, wait instead and face me, at least that way you will have a chance.
