London attacker denied being a terrorist in 2008 interview with BBC

This is most unfortunate, I know this what I am about to say is not politically correct but before I say it, we have to agree, something has to be done about this issue of suspected terrorists or extremists roaming freely in society, they are a ticking time bomb and the issue has to be taken very seriously, what can you as elected politician to a family member of a victim, the problem with elected politicians is that they run after every single damn potential voter, its like gambling, you dont want to lose a penny and if you do, you would feel like you have lost the whole world, so you wont risk say anything that is out of line, and thats why we never get anything real done, so when you extend your deepest regrets to these family members, you are full of shit, I am sorry you are, you extend your condolences and the next hour your mind is elsewhere, to try and attract another voter, this is why elected officials always follow the recorded line for them, and its wrong, and because I dont give a damn about being political correct all the time I will present a solution, I say we have to round up anyone suspected of expressing these kind of super extreme views and put them all in prison, and ONLY when a groups of experts NOT like those super corrupt "experts" in the UK who after declaring me crazy were given their 15 minute of fame on British national tv, not those assholes, and I am blaming the British royal family for this, I do and always will, its upon them, anyways, we need real experts to determinate if they are safe to be let out, and there will be no time limits on how long they will stay behind bars, they will be under constant surveillance to determine their statues, what I personally would have done is this, and I am very humane about it, because I know these extremists are for the most part not rehabilitate, I would just instead of giving them lifetime in prison, I would pick an island where no one would be able to flee, somewhere in the Arctics place them all there give them somewhere to keep warm feed the bastards and leave them there, thats what I would do, because look, these people are willing to murder innocent people just because I dont know why, well I know, but it doesnt make any sense, taking out your anger over why your parents never have you enough love and hugs doenst mean you can give yourself permission to go out and kill humanity, killing one is as if you have killed all, they know it but, you know, they are just again too crazy to be allowed to walk any street, listen even Getmo is a wrong place, because eventually you will let some of them out, and we have seen what they do then, so the best place is a place they wont be able to flee from and just leave them there, its the only way, problem solved.

And I do extend my condolences to the victims family members, unlike these others, I mean it, and I want to do something about it.
