Nigel Farage backs Donald Trump over past comments and slams 'ludicrous ...

Very good thinking to Mr Sir  Nigel Anti Forgery Farage. none of these Jihaids should be walking free ever again, we cannot risk the precious life of another citizen for 400 of these brainless Jihadis, didnt the law say something like, we rather have free ten suspects we know are guilty in a rail than convict one innocent person, same principle applies here, we rather take 400 suspected terrorists, people that have along track record of sharing such evil ideas and, to murder innocent people, out of our streets than risk the life of one single innocent bystander, I have no problem with this, and I pray and hope no party make politics of this very urgent and serious matter come to agree on something for ones and get this done, dont start the blame game please, this is serious stuff we are talking about here, these Jihadis dont not discriminate between how their victims vote, so lets do something here, all of us, just dont politicize this, thank you. 
