Our Saudi Arabia Problem (Part 2)

A  small correction dear Kim, the Wahabi Salafis like all other Muslim groups claim they follow the Holy Quran literally, thats what they ALL say, I can give you one clear example between two of them, one sect say, God in the Quran is telling us to interpreter some sayings He has stated literary and some statements physiologically poetically, yet we have one sect that only listen and take after one of these statements and the other sect the other statement while God is tilling these fools to use both methods, in other words, use your brains, so He has said both things, so it is misleading an error to say, these Wahabi Salafis read the Holy Quran literally because then we see how these brainless extremists act and do then people think because they are reading the Holy Quran literally then the Quran must say murdering or whatever these lunatics say and do must be written in it, which is absolutely wrong, here is a fact about Quran, nowhere will you find the word jihad or that murder or killing is primited, in only one section is it stated and it was during when Prophet Mohammad had escaped Mecca where the wicked people were who where after to kill him, he fled to Medina and there he found safehaven and the Meccans and its army came to slaughter them all and there the revelation from God came to him made it clear from him that from now on he is allowed to defend himself, before that he wasnt even allowed to defend himself, in that section of the Holy Quran is the only section where anything even close to killing of others is mentioned, and it is about self defense and nothing else, what these Wahabi Salafis are saying is, the infidels that is the west in fact anyone who is not like them they call everyone infidels, that we are are like the army of Mecca of that time and we are after to murder them all so they have given themselves permission to bomb markets schools hospitals target civilians because we are after to prevent them to practice their so called fanatic religion, they are in influence of Eblis the Devil, and another thing the Holy Quran has stated that ZERO Islamic sects obey and thats, God is very clear stating that we must not go to extreme in anything not even in faith and religions, and what do these Wahabi Salafis the mollas of Iran and anyone else for that matter do, they all have gone to the extreme, because they are all influenced by the Devil, its that simple, these sects not only Muslims all organized religions and their cult leaders, they think the more extreme and strict they get the more righteous they will portrait themselves and make others believe, their cult is the must be the right one, they are all wrong, and they will be proven wrong, so back to the point, to say the Wahabi Salafis follow the literal interpretation of the Holy Quran is just not correct, the Sunnis claim the same so do the Shias so do the Jews so do all Christian denominations so do all, like another exemple, where in the five books of Prophet Moses do you find 600 laws written for the Jews to follow, he only gave them ten and they have trouble with even that, all these are from outside the true teachings, and we know where all this nonsense came from, not from the Creator and His messengers, but from elsewhere, this is how it is dear Kim, Happy New Year, you are doing a very good job 👏
