Should Turkey Be Kicked Out of NATO?

Well said Kim ! here is the always common repeating problem with the progressives and also the Europeans who are racists, they want Turkey out because they are Muslims, I wouldnt agree this with the culture thing, look at the eastern Europeans, how different are they from the Turks and their culture, European countries around Mediterranean are mostly very much like each other, Europe is not just the Scandinavians the Germans the French and British and some others, those around Mediterranean they even look very much like one and other and their culture is similar, their problem is just that the Turks are Muslims, this is their issue, these defenseless European racists who want Turkey out are not thinking who is going to protect and fight for them if may God forbid war breaks out, their arrogance and racism has taken the better of them, this is how stupid they are, they are relying in other words Americans to lay down their lives to fight their stupidity, so we have to come in and balance this out for them, its indeed a disaster for us, it is unbelievable, sometimes I think, well let the eastern block demolish them and we always could stay out of it and let them pay the price for their own choices, but its not thats simple either, we know the eastern block is on the march right now, they seek to create this Evil totalitarian NWO, we also must never forget, those American think tanks and individuals in the 70s who opened the door for our money to build this power that is the Chinese Communist Party, they knew what this would lead at, and they did this according to a plan, they reason they empowered the Eastern block for this Evil NWO to come about was because they knew we in the west, our people are educated open minded and brave enough not to let in this Evil ideology, they knew this Evil NWO had a much better chance to get a foot hold in the eastern part of the world and with their dedicators, and their best option was the Chinese Communist Party, and we have witnessed what they have been up to and done when it comes to decent, so all this was deliberate by our own traitors, and it has nothing to do with the liberals and conservatives, although Republican elected officials who initiated this like Nixon but people like Kissinger and others they and their masters were behind this, so it has very little to do with party lines, its deeper than that, so we are to blame, but going back to the issue again, the foolish nationalists on the right are pushing Turkey to the eastern block and when they stay there defenseless, we have to ask ourselves as conservatives and liberals, are we going to lay down our lives down for these who made Nato weak and left the borders of Europe open for a real invasion, its a hard and a difficult question, in the end it comes to our own lives regardless of party lines, I am so disappointed on some of these Europeans, eventually we have to protect these idiots, again.
