The China Cables: Disrupting Beijing's Xinjiang narrative | The Listenin...

After these documents has been released and now publicly available the leaders of those countries will come into question, now we have it on paper what the Chinese Communist Evil Entity under its presitator Puh has been up to, at least some countries and their medias are reporting on the matter but in Islamic countries, there is not a work mentioned about i, it just goes to show, ALL of those leaders in Islamic countries all their leaders of faith, will have to step down, and they will, God willing they will, and thats only the start, I can tell you all a little secret here, the Islamic leaders, all of them has accepted the Chinese Communist Evil Entity to become the next world leader who they have given their alliance to, even Khomeyni the Supreme Evil molla who started the Anti Islamic Revolution back in 1979 also shared this acceptance, its true guys, you dont have to believe it but it is true, but we who still are free wont, and never will, people of faith people against this luciferian totalitarian NWO we must put our religious differences aside because Evil has distracted us, for too long, it is high time to wake up and stand for our lives, Bob Marley  😊
