US looking for any excuse to invade Iran: Ex-Pentagon official

To be fair and honest, Mike Maloof in my view is the most respectable fair minded analyst commentator on Soviet Today, have to give it to him, at least the man is fair, of all over there I like him most, I hope they dont fire him I hope he doesnt lose his job over me saying this, a little bit more honesty from me over here, I know I sound harsh in my criticism of nations and their system, what I wish very much is for the West and Russia to get closer because neither of our corrupt elites are anything like the totalitarians like in the Chinese Communist Cult Party, the corrupt elites of Russia are not looking forward to enslave humanity like the Communist Party does, the Russian elites are just corrupt and gangsters, they pose no threat to humanity, far from it, they dont seek world domination, they are just thrill seeking corrupt crazies, we can get along with them lol seriously, the corrupt Russian elites are not much different than our corrupt thrill seeking crazies, as long as, if you get caught you will pay the price and you wont be able to buy yourself off, if we can agree on these terms then wth why not get along, but the Law has to be and will be respected no matter who the hell you think you are, nobody gets away with crimes if they get caught, also ! you will pay a fine depending on your income and wealth, anything from parking tickets to wth ever, having said all that, I know there are too much bad blood between parties here and there, but if we could agree on these terms to the full extend of it, then why not get along, pay attention ! I dont like criminals, I dont like organized crime, because most of them are involved in human trafficking in the drug trade, and human trafficking is slave trade, something I cannot tolerate, at all, I dont like when people abuse power, power they might have over others, its something I look very seriously upon, but if these crime syndicates abandoned these practices, then they wouldnt have a major problem with me, wouldnt come after them, intensively that is, but the Law will be respected regardless, if we could agree on these terms, then I dont see why the West and any CIVILIZED country that would like to play along, could and should be invited to play, think it over.
