Watch full video of Nancy Pelosi's impeachment statement

Alright lady you made your point with this all king and monarch and what not metaphors, I got the memo long ago, I also know there are alot of people in both parties that do not like me to come to America where I was born because I dont and wouldnt stick to one or either party, I will make my case very clear right here, I have not lost my mind to run for office for your party the Reps or even as a third party candidate, I am NOT begging for neither of you to want me, you should just feel honored that I even want to come there, because America NEEDS me, telling you all the truth, my absolute biggest motive to come there to begin with is to see my baby face to face, at least ones, and what happens after that is up to God and NOT you lady, and yes i would rather be King ( somewhere ) instead of running for office (anywhere) does President trump seems like he is a happy camper right now, I dont think so, he would rather have his old life back, and I believe him when he said that, but now he is taken upon himself to be a president, I have NOT lost my mind like he has, when would I run for office and perhaps win like many other presidents have done with small margins, where half of the country loves you and the other half hates your guts, why in Gods name would I want that, people who does that they have other motives, they are power crazy, I am NOT power hungry, in fact I dont like possessing any power, I am a simple man lady, got it ?? and if I would run for office, I would do so when I was absolute certain that at least 80% of a population would want me to help them out, I would NEVER even consider running even if I was certain 60% would vote for me, I want more than 80% of the votes, otherwise I wouldnt do it, sure you read me saying make me king and the rest of it, but rest assured, if I actually wanted to run for office, I would have got my act together many years ago, I wouldnt acted the way I do, I say it again, I have no interest running for anything, YOU have to come to me and ask very politely to help you out, NOT as a party member, because I have no interest in your damn party whatsoever, I would do it for the American people who has showed me kindness, you on the other hand is a bloody politician, and with terrible approval ratings, nobody likes you, you are clinging to power as if your life depended on it, let me be very clear, you are part of the problem, not even a combine of 10% of the Dem voters would you get, not even that, and the reason I would not go with impeachment is for the reason I have mentioned countless of times, in this times when the enemies of America has infiltrated the country, is NOT the time to stir up unnecessary troubles, you know what I am talking about but for some damn reason you gave into group pressure, and that makes you a weak person, like many others, others do it for perhaps other reasons but you were opposing the impeachment for the right reasons from the beginning but then changed your minds because one of the old times got a personal attack by the President and now you have to stick up for Uncle Joe, because you want to be seen as a loyal party member, and all of the sudden you forgot the main reason why you opposed the impeachment idea, at least stick to one of your ideas, it would be a good start, I will say this, if God wants me to come to America and stay there, it will be so, also with the support of the American people, you do NOT speak for the American people, you dont even have 10% of your own party members approval, you are NOT America, the American people is America.

I will hereby make a pledge to the American people, you all know what I stand for, ONLY if I have the approval of at least 80% of you then I will run for office, otherwise I wont, so the number is 80%, 75% will be acceptable too but NOT below that, as I said, why would any sane person run for office if half of the country loves you and the other half despises you, I am not crazy, I wont do it, I am no lunatic, you only help those who come and ask for it people who wants it, I am not running for anyone, all I want for now is to see my baby, thats what is on my mind right now everything else is secondary, so cut this you dont want kings and monarchs aside will you, I dont want to hear it anymore, I got the message, I dont like you either.
