Andrew Yang Explains Why The 2020 Candidates Are A Very White Bunch

Allow me to give answer to the same questions put on Andrew Yang, well I am just gonna answer one of the questions regarding when to leave Iraq, we will leave Iraq when it has a stable independent strong government, there will no talks about any timeline, I dont believe in detriment timelines, when the time is right ten we will leave, we are NOT handing over Iraq to anyone in a silver platter going to happen, what we should do in Iraq and among all its people is to let them know, we are their friends, we want a stable free Iraq and we want its people to be friendly toward us as friends should be, and we should get this message across without wasting time and the sooner this message has been accepted by our Iraqi friends, the sooner they will get up back on their feets and the sooner we will leave Iraq, this is the deal, and its a good deal, its a better deal than anyone else can offer, because we offer the best deals, because we are the best 😊
