Andrew Yang talks stereotypes, economic policies at dinner with voters l...

Truly, may kind of guy, he has some great very good ideas that will work, but I have some better ones, that I will present to you all when the time is right, I dont think we should tax these mega companies more, with my plan everything would work, the ideas I have that is more substantial and more generous than Wangs are, mine is would work only if these mega companies would share the burden of the taxes we others are paying too, along with other radical reforms I have in mind we could and we would be Nr 1 in the world, and I have to say I like what ABS have done here with the conversation around the dinner table looks very hmm I am hungry now, I think I will deep fry a pizza right now hmm yummy 😊 ever deep fried a frozen pizza ?? I have, it works baby it works, its beautiful.
