Anti-Zionist Rabbi on the Deal of the Century

President Trump is in fact being coned by the Ultra Zionists telling him that he is the chosen one that the number of his name cohensile with the name of the number of the messiah and the rest of it, it all perhaps sound encouraging and uplifting and that President Trump is the new Cyrus the Great that will set the Jews free, look I would like anyone be granted all those titles and get all those endorsements, what President Trump must know, these are all words of the mouth of a bunch of desievers, self serving nobodies that are in fact about to further harm the Jewish people, I am telling you President trump as a true friend, these losers are insulting your intelligence, why are you allowing them to do so ??? they are lying to you, why are you allowing them to lie to your face like this, I am telling you as a friend who oppose the impeachment and supported you in other things, you need to trust me on this, these people are NOT your true friends, but you do as you will, I can only inform you of what is the truth, and when it comes to these anti Zionist rabbis, I am afraid you wouldnt recognize Gods work even if it stood in front of you because you are still surrounded by some false self imposed religious beliefs that has nothing to do with the truth, but who knows but God that there is still a chance for you too wake up and see that in fact human kind is NOT limited to one race but in belief that, there is one set of common rules but to be fair, we will all be judged by our own Holy Books which preached the same message, so in reality, its all the same, set aside your Talmud and do only what God has commanded in the Holy Torah, and usury is till prohibited !!! for Jews and non Jews, and YOU Jews or anyone does NOT know the name of the Creator, perhaps the Creator does not have a name, because a name must be given to you, you dont name yourself really, and who was there before the Creator to give God a name, no one !! God the creator is one whom we do NOT know the name of, so dont pretend you of all know it, you dont, we dont, and God didnt create us in Hos own image, I have explained this to you, we have legs for what ?? to stand on and what is pulling us down, gravity, is God affected by gravity ?? was God just hovering around before He created everything with hands and legs and everything then He thought, ohh why not create gravity for my legs to have a use, or things to grab so my hands can have a use, or to create light for my eyes to see, it is absurd, God created us in His likeness, not in His image, God is a soul and does not have an image, do NOT limit God by saying these things, it is offencive, He says !! the point is, you jews, do not think you are special and have the answers for everything, far from it, just follow the Holy Torah and nothing but it and you will be fine.
