Buckingham Palace reels from Harry & Meghan's surprise announcement

I say this to the British tabloids, you keep doubling down on your two faceism your racism  where it will take you, you morons think you are doing good what you dont see because your eyes are short sighted and narrow minded mindset is that you are making the whole world dislike you and that is as we speak reflecting back at the royal family you think you are standing behind, you are doing yourselves and your nation a grave disservice I am telling you, one day you will wake up and you will find yourselves sidelined and irrelevant, but dont listen to me, keep on doing what you are best at and see where it will lead you, without public support there will be no royal families you know, but dont listen to me, keep on pushing, you fools dont seems to understand Princess Meghan was the best thing happening to you in a long long time and the world has witnessed the world has seen with their own eyes what you did to her what you said about her, and she has all the rights to tell YOU in the British tabloids to go to Hell, she is going elsewhere, she is not following you anywhere, the day will come you wished you hadnt been such Piers Morgans all of you.
