'Dark memories': Why Iranians oppose US gov't

Didnt I told you, they changes their theories like they changes their underwear, every three day or so, as I told you now they are saying their Soviet era SAM system the S15 they used to shoot down the plane with was hacked, listen people, no SAM is connected to Internet or anything else, certainly not a SAM designed in the 70s alright, dont fall for these stupid theories, the fact of the matter is they think YOU are stupid to buy anything they are force feeding you with, these SAMs are NOT connected to anything and also, nothing that can in anyway compromise the operational capabilities of these SAMs will ever be allowed to get near them to affect them in any manner, it looks like the mollas and their IRGC and their disinfo agents like Morandi here gets on Soviet Today to be told what other theory can work for the week when the previous ones didnt stuck, I posted the other video clip where Sanchez tried the same thing by very cleverly telling Morandy what to say, c mon anyone with a couple of brain cells can read through them, I at least wont let my super intelligence be insulted in this manner, and to the Iranian people !! you MUST demand the same amount of compensation the mollas are about to give foreign victims of this terrorist attack, why should to rest with less, you all should make a big fuss about it because you know they are about to screw YOU over like they have done for the past 40 years, if they are about to give 50 million dollar per head for the foreign victims, you must must get the same, and fuckin tax free, and do NOT settle if you hear the mollas are in secret talks with Canada or anyone over compensation, because I will get my hacktivists to reveal the true compensation, and tell that money rat looking new head of IRGC to go and do his hair with a hand grenade before he goes public with that look, because damn he is ugly, fuckin Ahmadinejad looking rat faced mother fucker with a big mouth.
