Does Trump's 'deal of the century' make Middle East peace impossible? | ...

My biggest concern is that the arrogance of the right winged Zionists hardline take or leave it narrative they are pushing is backfiring and creating more and more anti Jewism, now among white people, the fact that they dont seems to realize how much damage they are creating is beyond me, it is, because all these anti Jewism going on is all because of their doings, but right now they sit on oposicion of influence and are totally blinded of what is going on around them, I think these right winged Zionists are hurting the Jewish people to levels perhaps seen or even will exede it before, I understand it must feel somehow ensuring to always be surrounded by yes sayers and the kind of yes sayers with an agenda of their own, so in fact they are not yes sayers, these people are in fact insulting ones intelligence, in fact takk king one for a fool, if I had people like that around me I would have been felt very offended, President Trump should thinks over here, look here are the facts, anti Jewism is on the rise, and I am talking about the white people, people should before anything ask themselves why, and what is this anti Jewism causing right now, and what if it rise to unprecedented levels, look, Jews are being targeted beaten down for looking as Jews even in America, I can make the answer short and clear for you, when you legislate laws saying criticizing Israel in any way as anti Jewism and by that make it punishable, I can assure you, you are fueling the fire, perhaps in your ignorance you think you are preventing anti Jewism but in fact you are making the situation much worse, and the facts are speaking for itself, dont you follow the news ?? the answer to all this is NOT to follow the right winged Zionist narratives, time after time has shown, it is only making the situation worse, the solution is, the less you talk about it and legislate these dumb laws the better you will make the lives of the Jews, and this so called deal of the century, you can put any fancy name on it s you want, but when it wont lead you anywhere whats the point, perhaps the point is for as many are saying for domestic political reasons, and if thats the case you have disserviced the whole Jewish people for your own political ambitions, then dont come and say you are a true friend of the Jews, when all your wight winged policies are harming the Jews, listen ! anti Jewism is on the rise, what are you gonna do about it ??? if your policies have not yield good results with in a year or two then you have failed and if your policy proposals have only fueled the hate in society against the Jews then you have failed a couple of times over, dont surround yourself with a bunch of lies ass kissers and yes men who are taking you for a rise, instead you should be offended for them to think you are someone to be played around with, i would have been offended if i had such people around me, thats for sure.
