Exposing the playboy Sultan of Brunei | 60 Minutes Australia

This really pisses me off, and I dont blame CNN Australia or anyone but these devil worshiping autocrats hiding behind a legit faith, this is NOT sharia law in any way, look this is how it is, these corrupt autocrats in order to stay in power they need to subjugate their people, and misusing using religions is a very effective way, because people of faith are decent people, they want to do and be good only the problem is, many times some of these good people get tricked into thinking the more strict they go the better chance they will have to I dont know push out evil and be safe that way, what they have not realized is, they walked away from the middle path as God has clearly stated we should stay on and never go too extreme in both faith or anything else, and these satanist and I mean it they are crypto luciferians, they know how mankind works, a large portion of us will get tricked into going to extremes and this going to far this portion of the population these autocrats exploit to stay in power by as their guard dogs, we see this all over the place, and these guard dogs are mostly extremely bad mannered very rude and uncivilized, and the reason is, they no longer follow the right path, or else they wouldnt be like they are, while these dogs and no offence to our lovely good mannered and civilized dogs here, these other wild beasts while they are guarding these autocrats who they worship as some kind of deities as if they were sent from above and God, these autocrats who are devil worshipers and I mean every sense of the word keep doing what you see in this video, take Saudi Arabia for exemple, What do you think Princess Salma is up to ?? what do you think Irans Supreme Whore is up to, General Sisi Palestinian Fatah leaders, all of them, take General Qadafi whom many of you still see as a hero, that monster had it coming for a long time, you know, after the Jihadis took over his home, they found satanic luciferian material that belonged to his son, sacrificing animals books items used for these things in their palats, if Qadafi was such a hero such a good Believer why didnt he stop his son the reason is, I am pretty sure he was the one who introduced his son to this nonsense, what I am telling you is, ALL these autocrats are involved in this, and Irans Supreme Bastard is one of them as well, I have told you friends, I am aware of the same luciferian cult operating in Iran in the military during the Shas time were just as active in the same military as high ranking officers during the mollas, the reason is, as I have explained to you, the same Evil force in control of Iran during the Shah is the same Evil monkey controlling it now, I also have informed you that, there are areas places inside Iran not even the molla cult is allowed to enter or get near of it, its places there are not many of them just a handful and they are located deep in the mountainous areas of Iran and those cities has existed for thousands of years, and Iran is not the only country with these places, these old cities are across the whole world, no government or their militaries dare get near without permission, its true, the thing is many inside governments and secret societies know of it and are totally ok with it, its just how it is, governments aside, there are other things people just will have to respect if these people know whats good for them and Iran is not different, and in order to stay in power, these autocrats in this case autocrats they need to pledge allegiance to this Evil force, and when you do you turn into one of these monkeys like the Sultan of Brunei, who punishes his people for the same things he is doing on daily basis himself, this is the world we live in friends, dont blame it on religions, blame it on the man written part of these religions, the part that has been influenced by this very old Evil power that has existed for a very long time whom his time is about to end also very soon, I end with this, if you are  Jew then be like prophet Moses, if you are a follower of Jesus then be like him, not like Paul who contradicted everything Jesus was about and said, listen my Christian friends, you say Jesus was God right, ok, we know God never changes His word right, I prat to god you agree with me so far because if you say god changes His mind then I drown myself right here and now, no I wouldnt but I would be disappointed at you, alright, so God never changes anything and we know God does always the right thing, right ?? ok you know what Jesus said and how he was and how he did things, then Paul a slave trader comes along and contradict your god, and YOU rather than do as your god did you do more of what Paul told you to do, why is that ??????????? now to the Muslims, why cant you be a little bit just a little bit like Prophet Mohammad was, why is it so difficult for you ??????????? and you Buddhists, why cant you be like Prophet Buddha, dont tell me you are, none of you are, and to the Hindus, look you have then thousand gods and I am sorry, just thinking about more than one God makes me wanna drink ten thousand liter of coffee and smoke more cigars, too much to handle but much love, just remember I am the new King, ayyt  💋 also know as King of the Aryans, the King is about to take over    management so dont act suprised, baby.
