Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR

I am issuing a grave warning to mankind, once again !! messing around with the human genome has angered very powerful forces, non human forces, and the Creator as well, ignoring this issue will bring about the wrath of these forces and God, I am NOT fear mongering, it is the truth, this issue is the most important topic you all should worry most about, much more than climate problems wars and other things, if our arrogant scientists do not heed this warning it will bring about the end of the world lot sooner than you can imagine, the problem is, oms just dont want to realize the fact that first of all we are NOT lone and we are not the true masters of this planet, others are, and as far as I know, playing with the human genome is the red line drawn, but do not listen to me, what do I know, my job is to warn you, you do as you wish, just know this, your work will bring disaster to your own offsprings, your own family members, the ones you say you love, the sad thing is, I know you wont listen, you think you decide your own fate, well continue with what is prohibited and see what will happen, again, I can do nothing but warning you of the consequences of your action, we could actually go to space and do all that great things, with permission that is, but we can be allowed to do that but playing around with the human genome is a no no, that is where the red line is drawn, you wanna jeopardize all that, then be my guest.
