Iran faces renewed protests over plane takedown | DW News

I am a bit disappointed at DW for presenting the MEK cult members as viable opposition to the molla regime in Iran like here in 1:00, these MEK cult members not long ago were designated a terrorist groups even by United States, the truth of the matter is, these MEK terrorists they do NOT have any support inside Iran whatsoever by anyone, they only exist outside Iran controlled by their cult leader Maryam Rajavi a true psychopath, a drug trader a human trafficker a slave trader and a murdera, over all a real scumbag, so showing and airing their point of view is not something any Iranian desire to see, and also they have not even one in million chance to get anywhere near Irans borders after what they have caused, this is important to know and finally accept and acknowledge because its all true, Iran will with Gods grace become free but these terrorists will have no say in anything when Iran gets free, because they are a cult, simple as that, and their cult leader think she is something she is not other than a delusional fool and a terrorist, Iranians dont like them, and I dont like them, they have tried to have me murdered, there will be no negotiation of any kind and thats end of it, if Mariyam Rajavi comes and kiss my ass publicly then perhaps we could work something out, I can appoint her as the minister of butt licking, she can become my groom of the stool guy lol
