Iran: From patriotism to protests | The Listening Post (Full)

I dont think it is fair to put the blame of many conspiracy theories spread around regarding the downing of the passenger liner on anti molla regime peoples, lets not forget it was the molla regime who started the spreading of conspiracy theories themselves, three unrelated theories were put out there by themselves, makes you think when they put out three unrelated theories that the first one to the last one are completely different theories how the plane came down, they jumped from one outrageous theory to the next, and only liers do that, when they see the first didnt stick then they tried a whole new theory to convince you and when that didnt worked either, the point is non of these explanations are true or even reasonably true, the latest theory is that a couple of F35s were seen at the "border" whatever that means, and now they want you to believe, the F35s hacked the SAMs projecting a false picture on the screens and made a huge passenger airliner that is lifting from the same location a couple of minutes ago another then another then countless other airliners were lifting of from and made this particular airplane look like an incoming cruise missile, honestly this last theory is the dumbest of all theories we heard before and you must be an idiot to believe this one, so nobody should blame other conspiracy theorists when they say crazy shit after what you have heard a so called legitimate government coming out with crazy stuff like this, and this theory of the so called Zionist regime of Sweden were behind it, give me a break, the only European country that Iran have the best relationship is Sweden, yeah Sweden and Iran are very very close, so close that the mollas sold me to them pedophiles, of all others they sold me as a slave to Sodom, and I know for a fact that Hezbeshytan and the elites of Sodom are one and the same luciferian entity, the thing is people think Sodom is this socialist paradise and everything is wonderful there, I have told you, Sodom is run by a devil worshiping pedophile ring that has total control of EVERYTHING, and the mollas are in cahoots with them, so that Sweden was behind this, this stupid theory must have been put out there to distract people, there is no other explanation, and remember, during the Iran Iraq war, Sweden was the only European country that sold weapons or platforms of weapons to Iran, just so you know, and Sweden got some heat for it back then, look friends the rabbit hole goes lot deeper than you can see or wanna see, because if you had seen what I have seen, your whole fairytale understanding of how the world works would be set upside down, and most of you are not ready to make these drastic changes so you will keep on doing what you always have done, you dont wanna think outside the box, most of you think you do when you believe just about any crazy theory out there but the thue theories are rarely talk about, by any party, because they dont wanna start opening pandoras box and start ratting each other out because that would be bad for them all criminals, I remember in 2009 Iranian presidential elections when Ahmadinejad on tv debate stage when things started to heat up between Ahmadinejad and I think it was Morteza Rezai I think it was a candidate of the IRGC when Ahmadinejad asked and said... shall I start talking about it, do you want to....we all knew what he was referring to, it was about their secrets surrounding their corruptions Ahmadinejad was talking about, then the question is, if that rat Ahmadinejad was so righteous as many of you naive people think of him, why didnt he not only did he not expose any of that molla cult running the shows corrupt activities, he didnt even do anything about it and also, his own government was honestly, the perhaps most corrupt government in these past 40 years of molla hostile takeover of Iran, listen friends, these are all criminals looking like hobos, do not trust a word coming out their mouths, they are part of a international global crime syndicate where at times some of their individuals wants to kill the other, its all that is, the planet is for now ruled by Satan, get that through your thick skulls, this is reality for you, dont say I never told you, its a luciferian pedophile drug trafficking human trafficking and did I said a pedophile crime syndicate running the whole damn show, and even when they at times want to kill each other, at times they also cover up for one and other, this is the world we live in, yeah I know its dirty its more than dirty its filthy and ungodly, and God wont stand for it, God is good and God has promised changes, it might seem impossible when the whole planet is ruled over by extremely wicked people that hold all position of power, also know this, God is the creator of realities, you can see one thing but the person next to you can see yes I used the word see, another thing, this things mostly work in the grander scale of things, not so much in the micro level, it works in all levels actually, like when God said...they never crucified the Christ, it just appeared to them they did...same thing here, these corrupt people still think they have all the power to do whatever the hell they want, but God is the Master Planner, and the Master Planner can create all kinds of realities He wants, without making an effort to it, its that easy, I have told you friends, seeing is not always believing, dont let your eyes fool yaa, alright I am done here stirring up some trouble for the day, today I have some grilling to do, baby 😊 its gonna be some marinated bone free  chicken legss with not the high quality Persian rice you are used to but a basmati rice, it will do and grilled tomatoes and a fat salad at its side, food fit a King, and with this, i wish all mollas a very bad day, bye 😁
