Iran in the Bible: The Forgotten Story | Presented by Our Daily Bread Films

Then the plague visited upon the Persians and their culture and what do you know, it set you back a couple of centuries, the mollas are going down in history to be the rulers that governed least time and in this short period of time managed to be also the most hated ones in Irans history, what a legacy, what a shame, upon them of course, you know it is predicted that the time will come when Iranians will start to hang every molla and their followers from streetlight poles, such will the fate be of those who abused the temporary power God gave them, they came in shame and will go out in greater shame, and I will be there to witness it all, justice must get served, it has to, God is just and good and God will make it happen, here is a message to the molla followers, the Iranian people has woken up to these facts and they are rejecting the mollas, now that the mollas have realized they are about to lose their home base they are now looking to other places to spread this plague of theirs, so they are looking outside Irans borders, they are recruiting ignorant Afghans ignorant Arabs who as we speak are suffering under the hands of their new rulers, perhaps these people have suffered for so long they now are numbed and used to it, its very sad, I have told you what I saw in Syria, ONLY young Afghan boys who were treated like cattle honest to God, they were pushed around insulted by their officers who also were Afghans, and these poor guys thought they were fighting the good fight, what they didnt know they were fighting for as bad as the Jihadis are, look there are no good guys left, the good fight when it comes I will let you know, now the evil ones are depleting the world of the good souls like the mollas did in the Iran Iraq war, this Cursed One Khomejni, Saddam also another Cursed One, he after three months of fighting offered a ceasefire to end the war, and Khomejni rejected it, a couple of years after he offered it again the Khomejni rejected this one too instead offered the Iranian boys a plastic key made in China to these good ignorant souls fo fight on and die for a lost cause, the point here is, NO man of God would reject a peace offering, you can never convince me otherwise, only a wicked individual would reject a peace offering, and by not accepting this, a million more Iranians and a million more Iraqis lost their lives, dont blame the Americans dont blame anyone but Khomejni, he could have ended it right there, but he didnt, the mollas knew from the get go that they will be hated by the Iranians so thats why they created this security apparatus that is the IRGC the Revolutionary Guard Dogs to keep them save for as long as they can from the coming wrath of the subjects they rule over, and they knew in order to stay around they must export their mollaism, and Lebanon was the obvious target at first, Iraq was next, the unfortunate thing here is, because we have so many incompetent decision makers in the US, not many wise decisions has been made, so the US has lost credibility among the people around the world and now its coming back to haunt them from within, its a very unfortunate development, I dont know if the trend can be reversed, I sure hope so, because I believe if the US is weak and sidelined and made irrelevant, the many autocrats will take over and lawlessness will be the new norm all across the world, then this Antichrist individual can appear with so called solutions after the chaos that has been experienced, look these evil Luciferian cults are already running most of the show behind the scene, all they are looking for is the catalyst to set it all off, in Sweden the many criminal gangs I know of, not the street punks but those who know what is going on, they have told me, they cannot wait till they start ruling the streets, with force, like in the movies, they know some powerful forces inside the System are not only having their backs but preparing them for such an event, I also know there are those Swedes who are very scared of what is about to come, they know they are out gunned and need help to keep their country up and running like a civil society, they are in other words shit scared, they have turned to me, but after what Sodom did to me, I am NOT intrested what the hell happens there any more, they are on their own, they have to turn to God, I am not interested, they had it coming.

I also have said, why the name of Darioush and Daniel comes to me time after time, I am going to find out who these two persons are, cant wait to find out more.
