Iranians protests Zarif's offer to negotiate with US

What you are seeing here are the Basiji thugs who are hellbent to protect what the mollas has given them , and what has the mollas given these Basiji cult members, well I will tell you, all these very hard liners these Basijis they are for the most part government employees, and if you are officially member of this satanic cult, your government salary is two to three times of the one members, and naturally not anyone can just play for membership, you must prove yourself, it start normally with you as a kid joining one of the many Basiji youth clubs and you have to work your way p, or you must be recommended for membership by some of your family members who are Basijis, these vigilanties they dont want to lose their privileges so they are always the ones who go on to protest anytime their livelihood is threatened, these mostly uneducated thugs are the ones who impose molla satanic laws on the rest of the Iranian people, they are the only gun owners and they can get away with even murder, it happens all the time, their youth wear knifes and they stab other youths in street fights, I have seen it, they go pick a fight stab people and never ever get convicted for any crime, and yes the Basijis are the only ones who are allowed to own guns in Iran, this is the situation, look there are no moderates in Iran, whats the point of being a liberal moderate and still support the molla revolution, its like being a moderate ISIL Jihadi, whats the point and meaning of that, Zarif is a moderate ISIL like individual, its like different faction of the same side of the coin in dispute over of their revolution should have been run and govern, it is insanity with these people, what should happen to all these people is, a deep hole in the ground should be digged and throw them all there for the rest of their lives, as long as they dont want to understand what suffering they have inflicted on the rest of the population they wont realize anything really, they must get a wake up call, mollaism is a cancer and shouldnt be there, and not in Iraq either, Al Sadr will also now be in my bad book for taking the side of the Iranian mollas, he is playing with fire here, with his fake Mahdi army, all these mollas are heretics and their top leaders will share Saddams humiliating fate, God willing.
