Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei blasts US in rare Friday sermon | DW News

Supreme Traitor is a devil in disguise, nobody hacked that SAM for it to make a jet liner look like a cruise missile, it is total fiction put out there by Soviet Today, those SAMs are NOT connected to internet and for a huge passenger liner that the SAM operators are familiar of its flight pattern where all other aircrafts take off from that is the airport next to it means the "hackers" must have taken over their whole screen projecting a fictional picture which is impossible, if that was the case, if a SAM can be hacked like that then why leave the firing presigures to the operators and not just fire of at will the hackers themselves, do not buy into these lies, the passenger plane was deliberately shut down and was it a coincidence that almost all its passengers were scientists, I dont know, from what I have heard, it was something on that plane the mollas and their IRGC didnt want to leave Iran, and another thing, first they denied it even though they knew exactly what had happened, then they didnt want others to join the investigation, then they agreed and lastly, they said they will put the operators on trail and punish them, look if you know the mollas and how they operate, you first know, not a bullet is fired in Iran without them knowing about it, I mean have you heard any Jihadi terrorist attacks going on in Iran but a very few handful of time, you have not and the reason is, Iran is a closed totalitarian police state, and and Irans SAM systems are ALL in the trusted hands of very loyal and trained individuals, there are no dummies behind those SAMs, they are some of the most trusted people and they do NOT dare taking any action without orders from above, an order was given NOT from the operators but from the central command, and the hacking theory is the next best thing they had to come up with, because you cannot prove it wasnt, and then the question is, why would they openly say they will punish the operators if they were hacked, if they were hacked which is ridiculous then the operators are innocent, you know what all this reminds me of, the Kursk "accident", this is a similar thing no one want to dig deeper into because there are other interests out there than perhaps Iran, and we know how uncorrupt Ukrainian officials are, I think they are into this as well, they got paid and kept their mouths shut, and also, when the mollas pay damages for each Canadian individuals you wont see the mollas pay the same amount to the Iranian citizens, and this should also be a cause for concern, Iranian citizens should demand the same amount of damages and compensation for their family members, it is only fair, look the point is, the mollas are criminals and anti God, they are pro Satan, and thats a fact, I know there could be a good molla among a million of mollas, and I urge them to help the people in defeating Irans Supreme Bastard, and perhaps God will be merciful to you on the Day of Judgment, do you hear me, mollas ?? most of you are goners anyway, you climbed up high so high and your downfall will be spectacular, baby 😜
