Iran's supreme leader says Trump is a 'clown' who will betray Iranians

He himself is a clown, the Supreme Clown, the clown from the movie It, where he and his thugs kidnap and steal children from their countries and imprison them in Iran growing up thinking he is one of these rats for 35 years then wakes up and realize, everything he was told was a big lie, he wake up to the fact that he is not one of them but the opposite of these molla slave traders, these podophiles, then the story goes to this young handsome Prince raises up an army and go after these slave traders, this could be a perfect ploot for a Hollywood movie, why hasnt anyone thought of that before lol 😉 how is the clown now you molla rats lol your Nasrala is next in line, bitches, calling people clowns and stuff, its outrageous lol
