Iraq demonstrations resurge after government fails to meet protesters' d...

Bravo keep on marching on ! I dont have to remind you Iraqi people from all parts of Iraq, from the northern part to south that you are batteling against your many corrupt self serving warlords that wouldnt care a bit for you other than that they only see you as pawns in their dirty game of corruption, to take what belongs to you and give it to the few on top just as evil as they are, you need to be reminded that THEY are very organized and always busy to plot more and more against you while sometimes you take a day off, they have a goal an agenda and the apparatus to constantly conspire against you, this is what they are doing, they have been on march for a long long time while you friends just have woken up to reality, you have been sleepwalking my friends using only half of your brains while the other half was sleeping, you will certainly face many difficulties you will offer many casualties many martyrs many love ones, but know this, unlike these dumb brainwashed foot soldiers these cult members who also have given their lives to protect these corrupt cult leaders who hide behind your many faiths, your cause is just and with Gods help eventually if you stay firm and hold the line like lions and lionesses you will bulldoze right through their shields and will be victorious, God loves those who can reason who are logical who are kind to all living beings something you cannot say about these foot soldiers of these cult leaders, listen friends, these cult leaders many of them are NOT driven by gaining material wealth always, they seek power over a whole lot of people, but their family members they will share of the stolen wealth and other privileges in one way other the other, the name of the game is pure power, and we have seen how they abuse the power God has granted them, how they have misused it, its clear for anyone that is awake how they have gone about things, the sad thing many times is, because people have grown up among these corrupt filthy systems they think this is all that is, that the world God has given us does not have more to offer so the status quo has to be maintained because may God forbid Good Change can come about, so these cult leaders and I mean all of them those who are holding on to power right now are spreading fear for you to remain helpless to keep you in your place low low down there, we need people with new ideas, we need new bloods, we need nothing of the past, the past have done us no good nobody can dispute this, they have to go, the whole System and anyone near it needs to go and never ever to be seen again, we dont want any cancer cell  not even one single cell to remain, only a total makeover of the whole System can and God willing will do the job, there can be no compromise on this, you need to push on and on and even when you have reached the end of the beginning of your goal then you have to keep on pushing to remain it, you know about the saying, making money is the easy part, keeping it is the difficult part, you can never let down your guard are not there yet but I am certain one day all these things will come true, with Gods help, Amen 😊
