Iraq's Sadrists withdraw support for protest movement

The cult leader Moqtada Al Sadr want to have a foot in every corner, at one hand they supported the protesters, on the other hand they supported the government, then they went on with their own anti American and pro Iranian molla protests you saw the other day, Al Sadr say he is against all foreign forces, at times he even mention briefly about the influence of the Iranian mollas but never forcefully, it just goes to show he is a hypocrite populist looking always to enforce his own agenda and position, in my view he is corrupt he is up to no good and he can take his fake Mahdi army and shove it up somewhere, pay close attention friends I have talked about this before, in the Holy Books prophecies has been mentioned, specific names of coming groups and individuals has been mentioned, things like the second coming of the Christ, things like the Party of God, things like a Mahdi Army, these things have been mentioned, so what does Evil do, Evil will of course try to replicate forge and bring about these happenings before the real deal occurs and comes about, like in the case of the second coming of the Christ, we know Evil that is Satan will send one of his own to pretend he is the real Christ, the same thing with the Party of God that is Hebolla, the Hezbolla of the mollas active in Lebanon is NOT the real deal so is Muqtada Al Sards Mahdi Army, its NOT the real deal either, the truth is these corrupt cult leaders they have no authority to use these names yet they did, they know they are corrupt to their cores, they know they support other corrupt individuals they know all these things and the fact that they have the audacity to use terms like the Party of God, bring the word of God into their corrupt organizations should tell you everything you need about these cult leaders, the problem with many of their cult followers is this, they have been born and grown up into that way of life and they do not know better, they think what they have right now is all that is, so they will follow their father their corrupt leaders their ult masters their false religious dogmas and when you are trying to talk sense to them they think you are offending them and their beliefs, people get , many people are under the impression that there is many ways to Paradise, its not, its only one way and one way only, that is the right way, there are not two right ways, the right way is the only right way, have you ever heard of two right ways, when you are trying to get from one point ot ht next, how many right ways are there, only one of course, on your GPS point to where you want to go, every single time it will only show you the only right way, you get the point I trust, speaking about our Abrahamic faiths now, all the prophets and messengers regardless where they came from had the exact same message, pointing to the same road that leads to Paradise, look unlike most of you, I know about all Abrahamic faiths, at least a little bit, and I have found out, they all spoke of the exact same things, things has been distorted with time and lost in translations but at its core, they all pointed to this one and only road that takes us to Paradise, but who is wise enough to be able to read between the lines and get the point is the question I guess, in able to get the point you need an open mind, and let me remind you of this, there is no development in any damn cult that prohibits you to brainwash you to follow what the woolvs of that denomination tells you to do, you need to be your own person, take in as much information as you can, like AI does, it takes in as much information as it can to be able to make the most accurate decisions, you need to do the same, look I know it will be difficult, waking up to reality wont and is not easy, they will give you a hard time and perhaps you will suffer from it but you need to be strong and steadfast, in time you will be proven right and the rest of the denyers will be proven wrong, you will get your reward for being a seeker of truth and the others will, well lets say they will go a different path, listen to me, be your own person, do not live your life for others and when you have started to realize this then you will be a much more productive member of your society, but first you need to know who you are what you stand for and lastly, if you are a hypocrite or not, God doesnt like hypocrites, and Muqtada Al Sadr can pack up this bags and get back to whatever rat hole he crawled out of, shameless hypocrite, he can go make any alliance with the mollas of Iran or whatever, see if it will do him any good, he is now considered one of the outcasts.
