Jeff Bezos’s phone ‘hacked by Saudi crown prince’, but why?

This is the worst news of the year, this is so bad, we in the Money Community are so saddened one of our members have been targeted by this terrorist Princess I think her name is Salma also go by the nickname the Ugly Duck of the Family, on mondays, they have given her a nickname for each day of the week because nobody likes him to terrorise him with, I hope this becomes a good lesson for people not to exchange phone numbers with her in the future because if you, thats what this Ugly Duck will turn around and do to you, if i were you I would have changed phones and numbers and everything else for that matter, if I were you I would have recall my ambassadors from his country till he has been overthrown and hopefully with someone better, I mean c mon you have 7000+ princes and you chose this ugly princess to represent you in Arabia ?? lets see you do better, get rid of him, he is a national embarrassment, he is always up to something, he either sit behind his computer playing video games all day long while teaching baqlawa or he is conspiering somewhere, i also bet his fat ass cant run 50 meter without collapsing like a sack of potatoes, with that disgusting smile on his face, I am sure he has to pay for people to keep him company too, either that or he threatens to skin them alive, get rid of him !! but first investigate him, this will be soooo fun, looking forward to what happens next to him lol I want ALL resources to be allocated to this case, effective immediately !!!
