Keeping big cats as 'pets', a growing trend in Pakistan

This is absolute cruelty and must be banned, big animals like these must have at least the living habitat to be able to run a little bit, at least, they must be able to run around !!!!!!

 I hope Imran Khan goes to Hell, it seems to me that he likes both human beings and large beautiful animals in cages, damn no good hypocrite, there shall be NO US aid to Pakistan till these matters has been looked after, no aid no trade no nothing, US congress men and women must put more pressure on Pakistan for them to change these practices, it is not normal stuff caging up animals like this, if I had any business deciding aid money, I would have cut it all off, a large cat like these must at least have 500 square meters of running space, and on weekend and holidays and also on red days that should be extended to 1000 square meters, and tigers they like ponds too !! they like skinny dipping, so they must have that too, and if it is a male tiger or a male lion, they like their lady kinds, so dont forget about that, and personally I dont like to neuter any male of any damn kind, so that should be super illegal, and may God forbid when they die, they shall be buried into the ground, I dont like creating things, such a waste, so these are the new laws, so it is written and so it shall be done.

I was watching the movie the Old testament from the 60s the other days, and everytime the Pharaoh was serious about a decree thats what he ended his sentences with, so it is written and so it shall be done, or something, I think thats how it said it, but it made a lot of sense, why waste everyones time with democracy and such nonsense, you get nothing done, look America, YOU NEED ME 😁 anyways.
