Kushner calls impeachment 'waste of time, distraction' from Trump accomp...

This kid is delusional, I think he lives on another planet part time or something, he is not attached to reality for some reason, what President Trump is doing wrong here is, he let these people draw up a plan and put President Trumps name on it then go on to praise how crafted he was drawing up these unrealistic plans, this plan is the dumbest one I ever heard of, and the reactions people on the streets are showing should be evident of the reality on the ground, it doesnt matter what a couple of Arab autocrats say about this idiotic proposal made up by this kid Kushner and his buddies, what matters is, can this plan get implemented on the ground and the answer is, fuck no, not even the citizens of these Arab autocrats share the belief of wishful thinking of this kid Kushner and those who pushed him to waste their times and frankly everyones time on this, the trick to get this thing work is not to increase the 8 page paper to 80, the trick is to make an 8 page peace proposal into 8 words and thats it.
