Lebanon protesters hit banks in 'week of wrath' - BBC News

I am sorry for being absent for some time no worries, I  Am Back, Terminator style baby šŸ˜Ž ALL WorldWide Protest must resume immediately with new positive energy, like it supposed to, god bless the people of Lebanon regardless of factions, the goal is still a total makeover of the System, and nothing else will do, get back on the streets and do your things, and be nice to one and other !! God willing lets see if we can root out Corruption out of Lebanon, and also at other places, many other places, so help us God, and remember, Nasrala and his Hezbeshytan is NOT your friend, never was, its a criminal syndicate involved in all kinds of ungodly haram stuff, trust me I know, they are all scum, do not support them, support what is good, that is your own country your next door neighbor and those who seek the same thing you are looking for, it shouldnt be that hard.
