Lebanon protests enter fourth month

This is what you need to do in order for this Revolution Lebanon to go somewhere and be effective, two third of your time you of your protesting time should go towards recruiting and to spreading the message, in other words you need to spend more time in educating others, are YOU an effective leader or what ?? because listen, these Revolutions wont go anywhere if it lacks leaders like yourself, leaders in millions !!! leaders who are cultured enough to cooperate with millions of other leaders next to them, a great leader is always in search of the next greater leader so on and so forth, the final goal and the cause is what matters, to root out Corruption, root out Corruption and you will have everything you ever wanted in life and more so, now go and make your countrymen and women proud, and also, never raise any other flag than your national flag, dont bring anything that offend others, Unity is the key word, when Cuttoption God willing is rooted out all your other issues will be looked after in a natural manner I am certain of, good luck ! 👏
