Lebanon’s ‘Mother of the Revolution’ ready to cling on until real change...

These corrupt criminals in power all over the place they wont give up that easy we know that, its a game of numbers and equally important a game of determination, I can tell you without discourage you all that because these criminals already has gained alot of game they will in some cases be more determined than some of you friends protesting, so the trick one method for you to keep up your motivation to protest you need to make it as fun as you can, have fun protesting, this will be half of your motivation, the other half should be wrath, yes anger, anger over the fact that they have insulted your humanity your God given rights and your dignity and also stolen what is rightfully yours, these criminals will put your whole countries is heavy deep debt with no regard of who will end up paying for it, for every billion they recieve, more than half of it disappear in their own capital ventures, buying op property, they are stealing your land, and to keep you in fear of a buggyman they hype up a war a conflict with your neighbors, the Israelis are suffering from the same corruption you Lebanese are suffering from, these criminals are acting from the same playbook, while you have been daydreaming while you are hating each other for no good reason guess who on both sides are meeting at fancy resorts cheering for you to stay put where you are doing their will, you should stop with it immediately, there is no reason for wars, there are no reason for your hard earned tax dollars to go for weapon manufacturing killing each other hating each other for the super wealthy the corrupt fat mans wars, there are no reason for that, and as we all can see in this clip, these protesters look like they are the awaken the educated the civilized with humanity to go all around, these are the educators, not other dumb cult followers, doing as they are told, protecting the corrupt ones for scraps, for the leftovers of their masters, sometimes they get even off with a clap over their heads, for being good boys and girls, it is pathetic, its a waste of air telling you the truth, its a shame, you know how much it goes into a child to grow up and then see them turn their backs on humanity like that, its a damn shame, I mean even cattle are more useful to mankinds development than these fools.

The Revolution must go on, as long as it takes, to the end of time if necessary.
